Showing posts with label Troubleshoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Troubleshoot. Show all posts

What to do when Oracle XE is not starting after a reboot

What to do when Oracle XE is not starting after a reboot
When you install Oracle Xe on a windows machine (mainly server OS’s like Windows 2003) you may notice that the database is not always starting after a reboot. This ussualy happenes when the Oracle XE was installed under a different user than the one you are currently logged in as.
It is easy to start the database by going to Start-> All Programs -> Oracle Database 10g Express Edition – Run SQL Command Line and simply type “STARTUP”.

However, if you want to automate this process you can use the StartDB.bat.
1) Navigate to your Oracle XE directory (typically under C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN)
2) Edit the StartDB.bat file – If the Oracle Service andthe listener is started you can delete the first two lines (net start OracleXETNSListener and net start OracleServiceXE) and save the file.
3) Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasksand Use the Windows Scheduler to execute the batch file “When my computer Starts”.
Oradim messages are not displayed in the command prompt (you can still find the results in oradim.log under C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\database) so it might be wise to try the command first using the command prompt.
If you get ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when you trying to start the db (you probably will if you are logged on as different user than the user who installed Oracle XE) all you need to do is add the user to the ORA_DBA windows group.
1) Right click on My Computer and click Manage.
2) Navigate to Local Users and Groups and click on Groups.
3) Double click on the ORA_DB group and add the user you are currently logged in as.
4) Re run the oradim -startup -sid XE -starttype inst > nul 2>&1 to verify that it works.

Some Cisco Router Configuration and Troubleshooting Commands

clear logging

To clear messages from the logging buffer, use the clear logging privileged EXEC command.
clear logging

exception core-file

To specify the name of the core dump file, use the exception core-file global configuration command. To return to the default core filename, use the no form of this command.

exception core-file nameno exception core-file

nameName of the core dump file saved on the server.

Add Admin Rights, Disable or Reset Password For A Windows Account

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      Now a days everyone likes to keep password on their system but sometimes when you forget your password then there in no way to retrieve it. Some times while using your computer or laptop you would have observed that in spite of being the only user of your system you are not the administrator of the system as a result you are not able to authorize some operations. Are you tired of resetting the passwords and remembering them after a specified duration because you are forced to do it. Then I have got a solution to all your problems an application named PC Login Now.

Network Troubleshooting Basics: Tracert & Pathping

This article is the third in a series of the basics of network troubleshooting. So farping and ipconfig have been covered. Now tracert and pathping, which are similar commands, will be covered. While this is a basic tutorial, there are some intermediate tips and topics included. The focus will be on Windows based systems(with a tip or two for other systems).
Both of these commands are designed to give you more detailed information than the ping command. They will tell you about steps along the way. This can help you narrow down where a problem is.

The Tracert Command Basics

The tracert command is also called traceroute on other systems, such as on a Mac or in Cisco’s IOS (used in its routers and switches). It is used to find out what other devices are on the path to a destination. It works by sending out a number of signals. Each signal has an amount of locations it can jump to, called a time to live (TTL).

Network Troubleshooting Basics: Some Simple Steps

This article is the fourth and final part of a series on the basics of networktroubleshooting. The tools covered in the previous articles (pingipconfigtracert and pathping) will be combined into a troubleshooting method. This guide will teach you valuable steps in finding where a problem is on a network connection.
One of my networking classes included the basics of troubleshooting a network connection. It included basic command line tools that really were very easy to use and understand. Most of the students thought they were fun to use.
Knowing these commands before having to deal with the frustration of a network connection problem is not a bad idea. A working connection shows you what is supposed to happen. If you see something different, you will know something is up. When problems strike, at the least you can get an idea of what is going on.

Apache troubleshooting tips

How many times have you installed a LAMP server only to find Apache doesn’t seem to want to run right? Or you install a new module only to see Apache try to download pages as file, instead of displaying them on screen?
There are a hundred and one thousand things that can go wrong with any web server installation. From a fresh installation to an installation that has been running for a long time, you never know when something is going to cause your web server to go astray. When it does happen, it’s always nice to know that, usually, Occam’s Razor applies.
In this tutorial you will find some advice that will help you through some of the more common issues that can pop up with an Apache web server.
Is your server actually running?

Know to use NSLOOKUP for DNS Server diagnosis

The DNS protocol has been around for decades and is a stable and reliable protocol.Even so, DNS does occasionally have problems. PING is a great tool for DNS serverdiagnosis, and I tend to use it quite frequently myself. However, sometimes PING justdoesn’t give you enough information about the problem at hand. When you need moreinformation about a DNS problem than what PING provides you with, you can alwaysturn to the NSLOOKUP command. In this article, I will show you how to useNSLOOKUP

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