How to get 'Nth' line of a text file in linux

How to get 'nth' line of a text file in linux
How to get 'nth' line of a text file in linux

 Below are the two better ways to print nth line of text files in linux.

1. Use the combination of head and tail command

one of the easiest way of printing nth line of a text file is by using the combination of head and tail command.Below is an exapmle of how to use it for displaying the 9th line of a file named sample.txt

Moving all the txt files from all the subfolders to another single folder in Linux


 Some times we need to move all the files with same extension to a single desired folder. It can be easy if there is only two or three folders...Just think there is hundreds of folders and its sub folders are there and need to move the files from all these folder.

Searching all the folder manually and move these files to the outside folder is a big task.In such case we can use the below command in order to move all the files to our desired external folder. 


find <Parent_folder> -type f -iname "*.txt" -exec mv --backup=numbered -t <destination folder> {} +

Windows 10 partition mounted in Linux mint as read only [SOLVED]

        Linux mint is an easy to use and comfortable GNU/Linux which is a desktop distribution.People worked in windows background has no difficulty in working with Linux mint.But some times users configure there system with dual operating system as windows and Linux for there ease of use.Most of the time it will work smoothly ...

But some times issues can happen....

One of the scenario is described below.