Repair & Fix Windows 7 & Vista problems with FixWin Utility

We are pleased to release a first-of-its-kind  application for Windows 7 & Vista: FixWin. FixWin is a 529 KB freeware portable application to repair & fix common Windows annoyances & issues. FixWin detects whether you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista installed and accordingly offers you the relevant fixes only.

While there were several tutorials and how-to’s already available on the Internet to deal with such annoyances, FixWin  as a single utility was conceptualized, to fix some of the common annoyances which may be faced by a Windows user.


1.Lauch Windows Task Manager.
2.End wgatray.exe process in Task Manager.
3.Restart Windows XP in Safe Mode.
4.Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32.
5.Delete WgaTray.exe from c:\Windows\System32\dllcache.
6.Lauch RegEdit.
7.Browse to the following location:
Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify
8.Delete the folder ‘WgaLogon’ and all its contents
9.Reboot Windows XP.

Improve Disk, Registry, Startup Programs and Network Performance In Windows Using A Single Freeware Tool

PC House Keeper 2012 is the most comprehensive PC maintenance software for Windows Vista and Windows 7 computers with 20 different tools (and counting) that are specifically designed to help diagnose and improve your computer’s system and network performance. 

This software will help you dramatically increase system and network performance with just a few clicks.

Setup SSH Key Authentication (Password-Less Authentication)

Setup ssh key authentication for password-less login between servers.  For use by ssh/sftp users or scripts.
Source Server (or local system)
Generate RSA key for user on this system, you can also use DSA.  This asks for key pass-phrase but you can leave it blank.
ssh-keygen -t rsa
This asks for location to place the generated key, by default it will be your home directory (ex: /home/your_username/.ssh/).  This generates two files:  id_rsaand  Content of is what we need to copy to destination server.

Restrict network access by time or IP address with Squid

There are a number of reasons why you would want to restrict network access. You run a cafe with web access or you have young or teenage children and you want them to only be able to use the network at certain times. Their are certainly tools out there to do this on a PC-by-PC basis, but why not employ a proxy server instead? One of the best (and most robust) proxy servers available for the Linux operating system is theSquid Proxy server. But don’t let the name fool you, you do not have to install Squid on a server. You can just as easily install squid on a Linux desktop machine and control network access from your LAN.
Of course when you open up your /etc/squid/squid.conf file you might be a bit overwhelmed. So in this article I am going to show you two ways to limit access with Squid (instead of tossing the whole configuration file at you at once). I will also show you the quick and dirty method of installing Squid on a Fedora 13 machine. Once done with this article, you will at least be able to control network access by time or by IP address. In later articles we will discuss other ways to control network access with Squid.

Vinagre remote desktop connection for Linux

Do you administer Linux machines? Or do you just need the ability to remotely connect to your Linux machines from other Linux machines? If so, are you looking for an easy solution for this task? There is one, if you are a fan of the GNOME desktop.
Vinagre is a remote desktop tool with plenty of features and ease of use for just about any level of user. It’s enjoying release 2.30.1 so it’s quite mature. In this article I will show you how to install and use the default GNOME remote desktop tool.
Vinagre offers enough features to help make it stand out among other rdp clients:

See what images are being viewed on your network with driftnet

I want to preface this article by saying I am not, in any way advocating spying on your users. With that said, there are times (and reasons) why you might need to see what images are being viewed on your network. Whether it be an end user who is viewing content that goes against specific company policies or, worse, against the law. When this happens, you might have need or cause to see just what is being viewed from your LAN. When this is the case there is a handy tool for that called Driftnet.
Driftnet was inspired by the old Apple program EtherPEG and works by watching TCP streams for images and MPEG audio streams. As it listens I dumps the images into a user configured directory and/or it can display the images within a window as they are captured. In this article I will show you how to install and use Driftnet.