If you’re a network administrator, chances are at some point you may need to set up a number of different networks on your IP range. In order to do this, you will need to know how to create different subnets.
There are two main things to remember when trying to calculate subnets. The first is that that default subnet for a range is This subnet, that we all recognize gives you one network with 255 different addresses from 1 to 255. Fairly easy stuff so far. The second thing to remember is the formula needed to calculate a new subnet. For this we have to go back to basics and remember that the number 255 is made up in binary of 8 bits. To get the number 255, all those 8 bits would be set to 1, each one representing a number in decimal in the following sequence. (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128). If you add all these numbers together you get 255.